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Smile again dental clinic

9 years after the opening of his dental office in 2005, Dr Touri has launched his dental clinic “Smile Again”, one of the largest clinics in Algiers, in September 2014, in Ain Taya. Smile Again Dental Clinic has a capacity of 4 chairs with latest advanced technology and ultra-sophisticated 100% digital equipment. The clinic and its entire team are fully dedicated to ensuring the best of healthcare and comfort for their patients.

Doctor Redouane Touri

Doctor Touri Redouan is an eminent dentist and a leading trainer, speaker and expert in the Maghreb region, who has treated more than 45.000 patients during his career. He is frequently invited in television shows to share his expertise in the field of dental medicine.

Our services

Dental implants
Replacement of your missing teeth

Dental implants are one of the most effective and permanent solutions to replace the loss of one or multiple teeth.

Fixed dental prostheses

The fixed dental prosthesis replaces one or more missing or permanently damaged teeth.

Removable dental prostheses

A denture, or removable prosthesis, is a tooth or even an entire artificial dentition that can be removed at any time for brushing or for sleeping.

Dental veneers

You dream of a radiant smile? The dental veneer is the answer for you!

Orthodentics, dfo

Dentofacial Orthopedics (DFO) corrects the manducatory apparatus, optimizes the postural balance of the teeth, aligns them, and straightens their structure.

Dental Surgery

Oral surgery involves various types of interventions that treat all soft tissues, whether it is the gum, cementum (i.e. the tissue covering the tooth at the root) and bone tissue.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is an aesthetic treatment that aims to lighten the teeth and get rid of their yellowish or grayish appearance and the stains formed on the dental enamel.

Dental Care

The oral mechanism requires daily and constant maintenance in order to preserve healthy teeth.

A long journey and years of experience

Over 0

Years of experience

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Hours of practice

Over 0


Over 0

Implants placed

Treatments and resulsts

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Please send us photos of your teeth, gum or overall oral health state

Please send us your x-ray / oral scan files for a more accurate estimate.

Contact us


44 B, Si El Houas Ain Taya Algiers, Algeria.

Call us

+213 (0) 21 86 59 93
+213 (0) 561 65 70 03

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